
 On Holiday!

My holidays
Ater finishing a class in school the holidays start when the holidays start i usually go to vacations with my cousin and i travel to another country
In holidays all of my aunts travel here and iam happy for that in holidays i have so much fun with my cousin with my friends theres so much you can do! The fun never ends!
Me and my family travel to so many beautiful places when there's a lot of interesting stuff to see and to do! In holidays i usually go with my cousin and family we have a great time and a fun experience we go swimming and much more! When iam with my friends i have a lot of fun too we play video games we talk and we laugh so much its always fun when i go to my friends house! When winter starts in the holidays it gets better theres more fun you can do so many things with the snow build a snowmen or have snowball fight with your friends.after the holidays the school starts and we all need to get prepared and have so much fun in school! 


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